Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we have a funeral service?
Since the beginning of time, a funeral has been the customary way to recognise death and its finality. Funerals are recognised rituals for the living to show respect for the dead and to say good-bye and to help those left behind move on in the grieving process.
What do funeral directors do?
Why are funerals so expensive?
Professional funeral providers offer a 24-hour, labour-intensive business with extensive facilities (chapels of rest, offices, limousines, hearses as well as many other items of specialised equipment which are all costly to both purchase and maintain). These expenses must all be factored into the cost of a funeral. Moreover, the cost of a funeral includes not only fixtures and fittings such as coffins, but the services of a funeral director and all of their staff in making arrangements, filing appropriate forms, dealing not just with preparing the deceased but also with doctors, ministers, florists, newspapers and others. We oversee all the necessary details and work diligently to ensure everything runs smoothly and goes to plan as you would wish.
A loved one has died at home, what should I do?
Once the doctor has said you may do so, you can contact us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to come and convey the deceased from the place of death into our care and to address any questions or concerns that you may have about procedures at that time.
A loved one has died in hospital, what should I do?
The Doctor has stated he won’t issue the medical certificate of cause of death. Why not?
Other reasons the doctor may not issue the medical certificate of cause of death would include (but not restricted to) if the deceased:
– has died a violent or an unnatural death
– has died a sudden death of which the cause is unknown
– has died in prison or in such a place or in such circumstances as to require an inquest
If the death does not fall into these criteria but the deceased underwent an operation shortly before death or there is a suggestion of a possible industrial disease, then it is probable that the doctor will not complete the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death but refer the death to HM Coroner in whose sub-district the death occurred.
If the death is referred to the coroner, their office will arrange for the deceased to be taken to their mortuary in order that the death can be investigated and, if necessary, an inquest opened.
Why do doctors charge for cremation forms?
In the UK it is unlawful for the deceased to be cremated before the cause of death has been ascertained and properly recorded. This cause of death must formally verified by a second doctor who works entirely independently from the first doctor. The doctors charge is to cover the cost of the doctors carrying out their statutory duties.
Do I have to register the death?
What do I need to register the death?
When registering a death that was expected and that has occurred in England or Wales, you will need to take the medical certificate showing the cause of death (signed by a doctor) with you. If at all possible, take the following belonging to the deceased:
– birth certificate
– council tax bill
– driving licence
– marriage or civil partnership certificate
– NHS medical card
– passport
– proof of address (ie utility bill)
You will need to tell the registrar:
– the person’s full name at the time of death
– any names previously used, ie maiden name
– the person’s date and place of birth
– their last address
– their occupation
– the full name, birth date and occupation of a surviving/late spouse/civil partner
– whether they were getting a State Pension or any other benefits
You should also take supporting documents that show your name and address (ie a utility bill) but you can still register a death without them. The informant will then sign the register, certifying that the information that has been given to the registrar is correct.
When the Coroner is involved, the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death is replaced by one from HM Coroner. The Coroner’s Office will be able to advise you when you will be able to attend the Registrar’s Office to register the death.
Do I have to register the death before arranging the funeral?
We aren’t really religious, do we have to have a religious minister to take the service?
What are cremated remains?
How much cremated remains will there be following a cremation?
When does the cremation take place after the funeral service?
For instance, in some crematoriums, the cremators are heated by electricity and are pre-heated overnight on ‘greener’ off-peak power. This means that they may be unused for several hours before the first funeral of the day then a period of intense use follows to deal with the afternoon services. To save energy, the cremation of coffins from the later afternoon services may be delayed until the following morning.
Is the coffin really cremated with the body?
Can I leave jewellery on a body that is to be cremated?
It is important to understand that it is not possible to recover any items of jewellery after the coffin has begun its final journey from the chapel of rest to the crematorium.