About Us
Founded in 1992
Scollen & Wright Funeral Service has been built upon the continued success of providing funerals of quality and dignity.
Based in five areas of Sunderland, we are well equipped to fulfil the needs of people in these areas.
Building upon years of experience, our team all share the same values of caring for the departed with respect whilst treating those left behind with sympathy and understanding. Scollen & Wright continues to grow today and into the future.
As a company, we are local, family owned and operated which means that we do not have a faceless head office with whom we have to consult.
When you deal with us, we are the people who prepare the funeral from the beginning to end so you deal with real and friendly people right from the start.
Funeral Provider

Respected Within the Community
We also see ourselves as the community funeral provider as we forge strong bonds within our local communities.
We have supported several local community initiatives, both financially and practically and we continue to work closely with local schools and various other community groups.
Respected Within the Industry
We aren’t just another funeral director – our expertise and work within the community has been well recognised and featured in the local press as well as our staff being featured in and have written several articles for respected funeral trade publications.
Our company is also recognised by the SunFM Local Business Awards where we were nominated for their coveted Customer Service Award which we went on to win.